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Mental Health & Youth Advocacy 

Helping To Make Sure Your Voice is Heard

Providing quality social care services in the community


DPC provides independent professional
advocacy for individuals who are subject
to the ambit of mental health legislation in
England and Wales.


Our focus is on the provision of a specialist
service that focuses on safeguarding the
rights of service users, both under existing
legislation and as citizens.


Our legal advocacy in the field of mental
health encompasses a broad range of
activities from advice to representation. For
example we act as advocates at mental
health Review Tribunals & Hospital
Managers’ Meetings and provide advice
for housing, finances and family issues.

In doing so, we aim to represent the views
of our clients as if they were our own, and
to empower them to make informed
decisions about their care and treatment
and thus take greater control over their





DPC works within the terms of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child,

and more particularly Article 12 which
enjoins parties dealing with cas
involving children to give due weight to the

child’s views, amongst other things. We
also work within the provisions of the
Childrens Act 1989 (as amended) and
subservient legislation.


We believe that children and young people
should be given opportunities to be heard
in judicial and administrative processes
concerned with them.

Without limitation, we mainly help children
who fall within the following categories:
• Being assesed for care
• In care
• Leaving Care
• Homeless
• Whose parents are separating
• With learning disabilities
• Facing exclusion from school
• Escaping domestic violence
• Who are generally in distress
• Young parents
• And those who lack confidence.


In addition our advocates sit as
independent persons in Section 25 Review
Panels, Child Protection Conferences, and
furnish expert and other court reports.



Tel. 01727-220-323

Office 32, 18 High Street, High Wycombe HP11 2BE





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